3 réflexions au sujet de “Esoteric N-05 XD”

  1. Dear Joël,

    Thanks for yet another very informative review! I have lost Esoteric out of sight a bit, focusing more on brands like Lumin, Lampizator, Aqua. How good does the preamplifier section perform, In a streamer-only system compared to Lumin / Leedh, and in a system with an other source (Vinyl) compared to the Coincident Linestage? And would the streaming quality be better with a separate streamer?
    Best regards,

    • Dear Joris,
      Thanks for your kind words.
      The preamplifier section works extremely well. Indeed, despite being analog, the volume control of the N-05 XD is as good as the Leedh Processing of Lumin streamers.
      Adding in the loop the Coincident Line Stage doesn’t bring at lot of significant difference or added value except the slight coloration of the 101D tubes, and perhaps a bit more tridimensional soundstage. But I could not say it is worth investing on a separate preamplifier. The N-05 XD does the job outstandingly, without any obvious limitations.

  2. Bonjour Joël,
    Merci pour ce magazine et l’essai de l’Esoteric, qui donne l’eau à la bouche pour sûr, enfin à l’oreille !
    J’ai pu l’écouter rapidement et effectivement la performance était très bonne, je vais cependant garder mon MA3 pour le moment, le temps d’amortir son achat et celui des câbles derrière 🙂
    Je souhaitais vous poser une question sur les filtres et possibilités de sur-échantillonage, avez-vous testé toutes les combinaisons ? Si oui est-ce que l’une d’elles se détache du lot ?
    Bien à vous.

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